This past week Olive had a few firsts...
1. Ballet Lesson - after not sucking her thumb during waking hours for a month (with help from the Tooth Fairy Friends) Olive earned herself a ballet outfit and lessons. Thanks Nana!
2. Reception Visitation Day (pre-view to "kindergarten" at 4!) with Hot Dinner - For a few hours Olive took some time in her future Reception classroom with Ms. Baker. There she started to learn what it will be like at school next September- uniform and all.
3. Theme Park/Roller Coaster & 3-D Movie - A day at Lego Land Windsor here in the UK.
4. Harvesting a "wild" root vegetable from the front yard - A random Swede (aka Turnip) appeared growing in our front yard. We thought it was finally time to bring it in.
A good week had by all.
(will get better about blogging again, promise. until then, photos shall suffice :)
Wow! That is a turnip???