And Other News: The past week has been another one kept in a holding pattern. Tomorrow we move on out to our new home sans furnishings, internet, and second car. Olive and I will be walking a mile into the village for playground time. I'm sure this will be a difficult adjustment among other things for Olive. But, we'll finally be in the home we'll be living in (hopefully) for the remainder of our stay in England.
Our adventures
Today we took a small jaunt over to Medieval Lavenham before packing to see the slanted homes. The buildings date back to the 15th century. We went into the local toy shop with it's huge tutor frame and 30degree pitch to the second floor. A collection of toys ranging from classic porcelain dolls to questionably swarte dolls. Other buildings had a bit more of a tilt, but if they've been standing for 600+ years, well, guess they're sound enough.
Other randomness to mention:
-Olive now calls Josh "PoP"
-I have a phone, if you want the #, let me know
Here's to another big week of newness.
Here's to new adventures, happy walking and friendly new neighbors. Oh, and a working internet soon!