Obviously, there has already been a laps in my weekly report for the families happenings. I put it on not having access to the internet last week. The next time it happens, I'll have to find another excuse...

e now are residence of Cheveley, a small village 3 miles outside of Newmarket. It has been a bit sureal having a "home" once again after so long in hotels, temperary quarters, family homes, and airports. We moved into our Rainbow House (named by Olive) Monday the 12th with our sleeping bags, a few dishes, and clothes. A set of bunk beds was left behind and Olive has now graduated to a BIG kid bed without a rail ever since we moved in.
During the day, Josh would taking the Subaru with him to work. Olive and I spent our days running around our big empty house and yard to amuse ourselves. After not having space, space itself was an amusement. Our many walks into Cheveley came to show us that we live in a posh little village. There are several horse stud farms associated with the racing industry of Newmarket. Along with those farms, come monster homes, gated properties, and one even a private helicopter. I'm most excited by the large yard which we have spent most of time. The cherries came due and I've been spending a great deal of time de-stoning using a paperclip! (thanks friend of Erin, FB does provide useful bits of knowledge)

On Friday the 16th, the movers arrived with our household good. It was an exciting day for all. Olive had to unwrap and quickly play with each one of her toys in her "loud" room aka playroom. It took nearly a week, but we're all moved in.

nday we headed back to Cambridge to take part in our friend from Greenkill's 30th celebration. Olive was a bit overwhelmed by the number of strangers. Ron and Maria were lovely and wanted to include Olive in the festivities since her birthday was upcoming on Monday. They got her a little chocolate cupcake and brought it out singing after Maria's cake and song. As the song is cresting "Happy Birthday Dear Olive" she busts out in histarical sobs. Everyone sputters out the last "happy birthday to you" and she's crying loudly with her head in her hands. After some long moments out in the garden, she settles down just enough for us to make out that she thought this was her only birthday- she wanted her birthday in the Rainbow house with t

he elephant cake. Bad on us on not letting her in on the surprise. Once we convince her that it is a "practice" cake, she warms up enough to lick the frosting off the top and laugh a little. Then, it's presents time. She was wanting to open up the gifts that Maria and Ron had waiting for her. She even wanted them to be near by when she did. Alas, she opens this package with a darling little homemade cow plush, looks at it, and starts sobbing all over again. It was a big day for a non-birthday girl.

So, when the big 3 came on Monday, she knew what she wanted. Open the other present from Ron and Maria with big grins and hours later Olive and I were still playing post office selling road tax stickers and addressing mini greeting cards. It was her day. She chose to go to the Newmarket park to bury herself in the sand pit and eat an egg sandwich. Gifts that day included many kind cards from friends (thank you!) and an easel from Mama and Papa. A good day. Not a single sob.
The rest of the week was more moving in, errands, and general living. Josh did manage to buy another car. A 1996 BMW 316I series, Cobalt Blue. Swanky. Now, we're both able to get about during the day. I finally wrangled up a vacume cleaner, iron, and toaster. I believe Josh had an easier time buying the car. He just had to give the US credit card and sign a few papers. Me, I had to transfer funds, write a check, walk to the bank to deposite said check, wait a few days, check online that check cleared, walk to the store, insert chip-in-pin debit card, get declined, walk back up to bank ATM, unlock card, try to access money, nope-online banking doesn't clearly state check clearing, need 3 more days, walk back to store, write different bank check, call the States to reference different bank's card crediblity, recite new full address and telephone number, sign papers, then walk back up hill back to the car with vacuum and a tired Olive. Half a day to get a flippin vacuum. I miss Target.
I'm sure there are a few more stories from the weeks past that I missed, but I'll be more diligent as they come. Tomorrow we're off to the shore. Will post pictures of the house and village soon. Until then, some new photos are up on flickr.