Welcome to the UK
There's not enough time in a day (or correct time zone alignment) to properly address e-mails, quips on FB, and explain oneself on lagging Skype connections. Hence, I'm writing a blog. I never thought I'd join the masses, give up paper mail and inky handwriting, but here I am doing it. If you are reading this, you care enough about our lives, we yours, that you should receive at least on piece of paper mail in the next 3 years. Otherwise, you'll get your stories here. BLOGGED. Argh.
After leaving Olympia, we met up with family. Olive got to have some quality time on the beach making tunnels in the sand and collecting shells in RI with Oma & Opa. Then we were off to IN to see Nana & Dapa. THEN, back to NY to spend time at Coney Island with Mark & Masha. (Thus 5 states and 7 different planes later arriving in London ) Typical travel stories of airports, delays, lost bags, missed flights, and such. Not worth reliving, really. So, I won't subject you to them- the travel that is, not the family.
Once in the UK, the first few days were a blur of altered sleep patterns and the need to feed oneself and the small child. Olive still wakes up after an hour of going to bed telling us it's "Time to wake UP! I want breakfast." The first week was spend under the wings of Josh's new boss's family for food, clothing, and hospitality. A trip to BurrySt.Edmonds for the market (Josh drove, so proud you) proved useful for fresh vegi & fruit. Dirt still on the root vegi. from being plucked that morning. Good stuff. (see Flickr pixs under baby_shark)
This past week Josh has been at work and Olive and I are starting to sort out some kind of routine. Somehow, Josh has seen SinBad and is now at the Syke showing of the London vs. US football mat
ch and I'm in the hotel room... hum, how does that workout to you? No, he does have his work cut out for him as the new flight chief. Me, I'm hoping for a rental that will allow a garden plot. Today we looked at two homes. The first was a 3 floor historic inn in Ashley with a thatched roof. Fantastic property overlooking the horses who train in Newmarket for racing. However, a little more decrepit inside than charming for my taste. The second home was a new build that backed up onto a cricket pitch of the local cricket club. Olive wanted to stay to watch the match and could care less about the house. Both houses were obscenely large, but we have good old uncle sam paying our rent, so, why not live it up? We figure it will give us room when everyone comes to visit. It's just that we'll have to buy things for everyone to sit/sleep on.
No big adventures yet far off base. We've been driving, correction, Josh has been driving around with us looking at villages trying to sort out where to live and what cars to buy. This month's goal is to achieve a set of reliable wheels and a place to stay that doesn't relate us so heavily with the military. Until then it's the small victories of grocery shopping, making friends, and trying to figure out which mobile service is the best to buy that take our hours.
We'd love to hear what's new in your lives in any medium you choose.
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