Wednesday, 16 March 2011

The Daily Grind

Stop. Close your browser if you're hoping for tales of great adventures to far off places. Not this month. This month has been plagued with the day to day dealings of everyday life. For those interested in Housing woes, Emergency room visits, and the like, please indulge yourself and read on...

Where to start? Since there is no time line of recent trip photos to reference about the past month, I'll sum up in a semi-coherent list of how time has been spent in the Boisvert household.

Forward) feel silly, if not exceedingly selfish to poopoo any of the life grinding events in the midst of horrible life tragedies occurring in Japan & elsewhere in the world.

1) ER or should I say A&E visit

Last week O had her first visit to the Emergency room after a few hours of internal deliberation and phone calls to the NHS helpline. Apparently she had a serious allergic reaction to something undetermined. Angry welts, swollen fingers, and puffy lips topped the charts. She was in good humor in the A&E. Helpful with the doctors, and very alert for 1:30am. Papa, not so much when snoozing in the chair. So, now we are awaiting a time for allergy testing with a specialist down in Cambridge... although, we have our suspicions that it was the kiddy Advil we gave her for her cold. NHS, so far, has been stream lined and efficient, although, HIPPA HAHHAH... everyone knows everything. No secrets here from people in the waiting area!

2) Selling our house/Having to move

Did you know our landlords have put their house on the market? Yep, We're moving. After a tenuous two weeks, it seemingly is all working out BUT no papers have been signed yet. (positive thoughts entered here) Since the announcement and the appearance of the "dang-it" for Sale sign, I've been trying to distance myself from all the energy I've put into this place making it a home. Still working on not being bitter about all the hours cultivating and pruning the mismanaged plants out back. We really have no need for ALL the space we have now, but oh how I'll miss the garden. But our new potential landlords (who will also be our neighbors) seem very kind and helpful in keeping us in the village - To the extent of a month and a half free rent and storage in there garage. Despite loosing 1/3 space, Josh will have easier access to the pub, which literally, will be right across the street.

3) Horse population BOOM

Since we live in the horse capital of England- there are Colts and Foals EVERYWHERE! Olive is very keen on pointing them out. She's growing more confident petting the horses (although, I'm not sure if we're really allowed to do so) And, when she asks their names, I have to list off 2 - since the yearlings aren't named... they are a product of horse A +B. So their bridle will say something like "Mighty Wind/ Sparticus Giganum" or some other naming folly.

4) Entworks

I joined an Etsy team. One that's all about Green Crunchy Granola Type love which, fundamentally I know I want to be, but I'm too much of a realist to know I never will be so Liberal to the extreme. BUT I did get an interview if you'd like to check it out.

5) Brittish Accent- really?

Olive has developed a deligtful little Brittish accent. I know Josh talks with inflections he normally has not in the past. The other day while sitting amungst locals, I was told that I too had an accent "very pleasing & soft" but in the next breath "but still very American"

That is what is happening in our world. Olive and I are hoping to get back to the states (IN) once housing has been situated, After that- Switzerland? Camping in the Lake District? A cheep flight where Easy Jet can take us (and not into a civil war).

Until then, or at least later- US